Shopping Safely at Cannon Park

New ways of shopping

Updated: 23rd July

Face Coverings

Following the latest Government advice, face coverings will be required wear in Cannon Park Shopping Centre from 24th July.  This is to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and better protect staff and customers alike.  Please note that it is not compulsory for shop workers to wear face coverings, although many of our retailers will encourage this amongst their staff.

The responsibility for wearing a face-covering lies with the individual themselves. Should an individual refuse to wear a face covering, a shop can refuse them entry.

There are some circumstances, for health, age or equality reasons, where people are not expected to wear face coverings. Please be mindful and respectful of such circumstances, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings, and that the reasons for this may not be visible to others. For more information on the latest guidelines click here.

All of our stores are now open

The way we all shop is going to feel different for a while and we’re going to need your cooperation to keep everyone safe.  After all, our priority is yours and our colleagues’ health.

With this in mind, we’re introducing an additional range of safety initiatives that we will need everyone to follow.  From time to time, this may mean that you are inconvenienced, and we ask you to bear with us during this unprecedented period.

Check our website regularly in order to find the latest news and information as well as updates to individual store opening times.

Some stores may also need to close temporarily if they become too busy, need to re-stock or just need to re-set their safety procedures.

Social distance shopping

To ensure a safe shopping experience we ask that wherever possible, you shop alone.  Only bring one other person from the same household, if you need special assistance, or if you need to bring your children with you.

You will notice, on arrival, that we have introduced new signage around the centre.  Please take time to familiarise yourself with the instructions.  You will continuously be reminded to stay at least 2 metres apart and there will be designated queueing areas.  Please do not join queues that extend beyond the designated area.

Extra cleaning and safety precautions

As you might expect, we’ll be doing extra cleaning and sterilising to make the whole centre as safe as possible for you.


The use of toilets will be restricted and will have a maximum capacity at any one time.  Some cubicles may be closed in order to help us manage hygiene.  You may have to wait longer than usual to use these facilities.  Please bear with us.

For the latest on our store openings, click here.

Finally, we’d like to say a massive thank you to all our essential workers that have kept key stores open and running while we’ve been in lockdown, and to all the NHS and other key workers that have truly gone the extra mile over the past few months.